Rain-X Windshield De-Icer, 500g Aerosol
Features and Benefits:
Rain-X De-Icer is a highly concentrated formula that provides quick melting action on your frozen windshield during the harsh winter months. Rain-X De-Icer will help reduce your scraping time so that you can be on your way in no time!
- Melts ice, frost and light snow fast
- Brush away loose snow and ice on windshield
- Holding product about 10 inches away from the glass and upright, apply Rain-X
De-Icer directly onto the ice or frost
- If the ice is thick, use scrapper to help remove the ice
- Several applications may be required depending on the thickness of the ice
- Clear windshield by running wipers
- Reduces ice scraping effort and time
- Start car and turn on defroster